Chia Koon Talk
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2014 | 4 Videos | HD | Stereo | Single Channel | Color | English
Chia Koon Talk 是与我朋友兼视觉艺术家颜长庆的合作。 这一系列短视频,是我们为书法鉴赏提供一个切入点的尝试。 特别是对于那些看不懂中文的人。 这四个视频涵盖了中国书法的基本要素。 其中包括印章、墨、宣纸、毛笔,当然还有书法里的字笵与字形。
我一直有兴趣超越书法以外的艺术形式,探索不同的书写方式。 我喜欢与不同艺术形式的人一起合作。我的信念是书法,书法家必须拥抱变化,尝试新事物。 并抵制被定义为精英主义和停滞不前的诱惑。
Chia Koon Talk is a collaboration with my friend and visual artist Gan SiongKing. This series of short video essays is our attempt at providing entry points into appreciating calligraphy. Especially for those who cannot read Chinese. The four videos cover the basic elements of Chinese calligraphy. Which includes seal, ink, paper, brush, and of course, Chinese characters.
I'm always interested in going beyond writing to explore different ways to approach calligraphy. Working with other people in different art forms is something that I enjoy. My belief is calligraphy and calligraphers must embrace change to try new things. And resist the seduction of being defined as something elitist and stagnant.