Melukis Rasa Melukis Cerita
5 Jul - 7 Jul 2017
Xin Art Space, Kuala Lumpur
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Sing A Song
Sing A Song 2.2
这次展出的缘起是 A. Samad Said、另一个画家与我的会面。这次会面是由馨艺苑负责人曾荣盛发起。他是一位诗人、翻译与刊物主编。这次展览涵盖了15位巫裔诗人作品的36首诗,15华裔诗人的36首诗,一共72首诗,我跟着阅读诗歌后的感受,制作了72幅书法作品。
This exhibition came about through a casual meeting with A Samad Said. This meeting was initiated by Zeng RongSheng, who is in charge of Xin Art Space. RongSheng is also a poet, translator, and editor-in-chief. This exhibition covers 36 poems by 15 Malay poets and 36 poems by 15 Chinese poets. The work in this show is my emotional response to reading these 72 poems.
This project is meaningful to me because I believe Chinese calligraphy should go beyond the Chinese language, especially in the context of Malaysia, a multi-cultural and multi-lingual country.