作品 Project

关于 About

王嘉堃,当代书法工作者,现居于马来西亚吉隆坡。 1996年毕业于马来西亚艺术学院,主修水墨画,副修书法篆刻。除了致力于书画创作,他也感兴趣于开展书法和其他艺术的创新结合,与不同领域的艺术工作者合作,开创不同的艺术展现形式,实现艺术交融。

Ong Chia Koon, a contemporary calligrapher who is living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He graduated from Malaysia Institute of Art in 1996, major in Chinese ink painting and minor in calligraphy and seal engraving. Besides devoting himself to calligraphy and Chinese brush painting, he is interested in innovative combination of calligraphy with others, cooperates with artists in different fields to explore the different performing forms in arts, and gain the achievement in arts exchange and integration as well.
Calligraphy is a unique traditional art in China. lt uses a brush pen to write Chinese characters on the rice paper (Xuan paper), forming the beauty of contrast between black and white. It has both the practical value of language and the artistic value of appreciation. Malaysia, a country with multicultural characteristics, calligraphy has also been preserved and inherited by Malaysian Chinese as a cultural and identity symbol.
As a Malaysian Chinese, the creative concept of Ong Chia Koon's is focusing on preserving the inherent spirit and the aesthetic value of calligraphy. He is emphasizing both the lines and space elements of calligraphy art, rather than following the traditional forms of expression blindly. He uses highly abstraction forms to show the innovation in art, and at the same time, he integrates calligraphy into people's current life between tradition and innovation. Ong Chia Koon insist on keeping up with the changing world. To fulfill the value of contemporary and constantly innovating his personal style of calligraphy are the core concept of his creation. Therefore, his contemporary calligraphy works are always been regards as a masterpiece of verve and vitality.